An easy to use automatic interface for Booksellers that imports invoices from the Batch Web Site into Sage Accounts and also automatically matches supplier payments, thereby greatly reducing duplication of effort and improving accuracy.
mtdCharm is fully authorised bridging software that has passed the HMRC testing and is an HMRC recognised Making Tax Digital VAT application.
The AvShareD system is a web site that allows for the easy management of group owned aircraft. The system maintains a booking diary where members can view existing bookings as well as adding, amending or deleting their own bookings. There is also the ability to manage the Aircraft Journey Log, maintenance planning as well as many other features that will assist in the overall group management.
An add on program for the hMailServer mail system. This package ensures that a compromised password cannot be used for sending large volumes of spam email.
A complete software package for managing an SMS gateway. Received SMS message can trigger mulitiple actions based on user defined keywords.
Easy to use softare package for monitoring the standard of barcodes.
E6B Computer app for windows phone 7. Provides 'whizz-wheel' type calculations, conversions and planning functions.
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